Our Clients

Technology for
Banking and Financial Services
We are passionate about helping companies of all sizes, in all banking and financial sectors,
to dramatically accelerate their digital transformation.
Our News & Updates
Semangat Melangkah Digitalisasi oleh BPD Banten
(Rabu,16 November 2022) Tim Direksi dari PT Baron Biondi William (BBW) mendapatkan kehormatan untuk bisa bertemu langsung dengan Direktur Utama...
Kunjungan Relasi Dengan BPR Sleman
(Kamis,01 September 2022) Tim Direksi dari PT Baron Biondi William (BBW) melakukan kunjungan keluar daerah,tepatnya ke Sleman,Yogyakarta.Pada kesempatan ini kami...
Kunjungan BBW ke BPR EKA
Kali ini kami melakukan visit dan disambut oleh Bapak Nugroho Fuad Rifai (Direktur Operasional) dari BPR EKA BUMI ARTHA LAMPUNG,sangat...
Kunjungan BBW ke BPR Sleman
Pada tanggal 16 November 2021, PT. Baron Biondi William melakukan kunjungan ke BPR Sleman. Kunjungan ini bertujuan untuk membicarakan kerjasama...
Mengenal BI Fast Payment
Bank Indonesia (BI) bakal meluncurkan BI Fast Payment pada tahun ini. Layanan ini akan menggantikan Sistem Kliring Nasional Bank Indonesia...
BPR Hasamitra Luncurkan ATM Cardless
Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Hasamitra bakal meluncurkan transaksi cardless atau tarik tunai tanpa kartu di ATM Hasamitra pada kuartal IV 2020....
Cash Recycling Machine – March 23 2021
PT BARON BIONDI WILLIAM MARCH 23 2021 Operating a cash recycle requires extra security and planning inherent to the risks...
[Repost] Token, How Secure Trading On The Internet Banking – 08 June 2016
Internet Banking is one of the transactions that provides facilities to access the bank account. Internet Banking, although easier for...
[Repost] Security Online Banking Transaction – 25 April 2017
In the era of Internet use as now, various conveniences are offered in everyday life, including in the banking world....
MPOS, The Modern Solutions for Payment – 07 June 2016
Encouraging the creation of cashless society, any purchase or payment of any kind will use the card whose financial data...
Mobile Banking Make Banking Transaction Easier – 30 May 2016
As already known, one of the private banks spread across Indonesia has carried out an analysis of transactions by customers,...
MPOS. Convenient Way to Transact at The Merchant – 30 May 2016
What is the mobile point of sale (MPOS)? What's the difference with EDC? MPOS can be said as the latest...
Mobile Application Filing System Credit – 16 May 2016
The rapid development of banking technology today makes competition for banking products increasingly diverse, looking back at a simple function...
Card Issuance System Management Applications ATM – 16 May 2016
Information ATM cards in circulation based on data from the Financial Services Authority of March 2016 reached more than 114...
Audit Trail Key Control Of Electronic Money – 02 May 2016
Less Cash Society is often put forward by Bank Indonesia, the goal of the Less Cash Society is to change...
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Company Overview
At BBW, we believe that technology is the key for businesses to achieve sustainable growth and increase efficiency. Therefore, BBW is committed to empower businesses with technology through innovations.
End-to-End Services using BBW’s own customized SDLC
BBW has developed its own customized and proven approaches of project methodology which includes creative software design.