Card Issuance System Management Applications ATM – 16 May 2016

Information ATM cards in circulation based on data from the Financial Services Authority of March 2016 reached more than 114 million cards, which consists of an ATM card and a debit transaction amount stands at nominal 455 trillion, extraordinary data is used as a reference by the bank that the development of current transactions towards to the use of payment technology using cards

As part of the banking facility, ATMS become a top priority for banks to demonstrate their existence. But of course the provision of ATMS is not without risk, with the number of criminal acts in the customer transacting at the ATM machine if ignored otherwise will destroy the level of customer confidence.

To minimize the risk in ATM transactions, banks must implement the management of ATM card issuance systems, from the user restriction of the system, the process of registration card, the order management function of PIN-to-Print risk and executed more.

PT. Baron Biondi William has developed an ATM card issuance management systems that are reliable with a portfolio including Bank app users that have the best ratings in published reports of Bank Indonesia. PT. Baron Biondi William more confident that the system developed is a proven system in terms of security with the appropriate flexibility of business of each bank to adjust the risk and management policies that can be custom.

Not only applications, PT. Baron Biondi William also provides the Host Security Module (Hardware) for PIN encryption and decryption technology with a variety of methods, for banking cyber crime perpetrators will think long and compromise the system PIN. This is the excess of the product system management applications ATM card issuance PT. Baron Biondi William especially for rural banks and commercial banks are currently planning the development of banking technology system.
