E-money solutions is electronic money exchangeable electronically. E-Money is used as a means of payment in which the value of money stored in electronic media.
BBW E-Money Solution is multiple front-end device based online banking. This solution offers interfaces to an array of front-end devices such as PTSN/CDMA based EDC/POS Terminal, GPRS based EDC/POS Terminal and windows mobile based enterprise digital assistants (EDAs). BBW Banking Solution offer your customers the true benefit of innovations irrespective of their geographical locations. It offer low cost of transaction and fast approval. The solutions facilities simulating and performing a variety of banking and non-banking transactions (which are usually carried out at Bank Branches) at the customers door-step, on-line real-time.
Functions offered :
- Enrolment of new customers in the field, withdrawal of funds, insurance disbursement
- Lease rental collection, third party payment collection, loan approvals, loan recoveries, funds transfers
- Balance inquiry, requesting of cheque books, statement request, host list verification / CRIB Validation
- Deposit mobilization (cash/ cheques), utility bill payment, insurance premium collection
- Foreign exchange remittances, PIN Change, stop payment, mini statements
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