In the era of Internet use as now, various conveniences are offered in everyday life, including in the banking world. Nowadays, people will no longer have to go to the bank or to the ATM to make transactions. Today all transactions are at the fingertips. Of course, the main factor is the security in each transaction, especially online banking that can be considered vulnerable to the target of the “hacker”.
Security is an important factor that shouldn’t be ignored by digital product developers. A company can lose hundreds of millions caused by security system leaks. Not only financially, the level of community’s confidence can decline, potentially making the product no longer requested. Don’t let the security be underestimated. Developers tend to be busy developing features, rather than seeing the space that can be utilized by the “naughty” hacker.
And probably still many of us are accessing online banking through a home or office computer. But did you know that accessing online banking via a tablet or smartphone is safer than a computer (for example, desktop and laptop)? Therefore we have a strategy to improve online banking security. That is, with one condition only on the smartphone or tablet.